Synopsis: Thirteen years ago, the Nefarious Monster Army invaded Earth, but humanity’s great protectors, the Dragon Keepers, defeated them in a single year! Every Sunday since, the monsters have been forced to act out humiliating defeat after defeat in front of the unsuspecting public. Determined to change this, a single monster, D, infiltrated the Ranger Force. With the help of the mysterious Ranger, Yumeko Suzukiri, D managed to seize one of the divine artifacts—the only weapons capable of permanently killing the monsters’ immortal bodies! However, D’s subsequent encounter with the Dragon Keepers led to his unfortunate end, so who will stop them now…?
(Source: Kodansha USA)
Anime that looks like power rangers, with The boys twist in it. And the powers are evil. It’s a kind of show where the Hero is villain. It’s from Author from The Quintessential Quintuplets anime. Which pretty popular harem anime. So, the story must be good.
Its by YOSTAR PICTURES . Who are gatcha game company. Recenty making a lot animes like Arknights, blue archive.Normally their anime consists a lot budgets, looks good basically.
Also opening song by Tatsuta kitani, Which is one other level. One of the best opening in this season.
It has 2 cours
Voice actors
Their choice of voice is really good here. Like Red ranger Akabane sousei is voice acted by Nakamura, yuuichii, who is voice actor of gojo satoru. Another main lead sentouin D is voice acted by Kobayashi yuusuke,who is voice actor for Senkuu from Dr.Stone.
When and where can I watch this anime?
It started airing at Apr 7, 2024 and airs every Sundays at 16:30 (JST) and streaming platforms are Disney and Hulu.
Here is the latest trailer of this show: