Medalist” is an anime that showcases the potential of young children through hard work, focusing on ice skating. The main character, fifth-grade student Inori Yuitsuka, practices skating when no one is around, determined to prove her parents wrong and make them proud by achieving her goals. Unlike typical anime protagonists who are often portrayed as cute and cheerful, Inori stands out for her determination and perseverance. While other shows may prioritize light-heartedness, “Medalist” delves into the journey of a child striving for success through her own efforts.

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When one thinks of ice-skating anime, “Yuri on Ice” typically comes to mind. This anime made waves by winning numerous awards, including Anime of the Year, despite facing controversy. Its success highlights the enduring appeal of sports anime, particularly those with compelling narratives. With strong source material and promising production, “Medalist” has the potential to captivate audiences.

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“Medalist” is produced by Kadokawa and Studio Engi, with Yamamoto Yasutaka directing. Known for lighter fare like “Nekopara” and “Noblesse,” Yamamoto ventures into emotional drama for the first time with this project. The cast features top-tier talent, Tsukasa Akeuraji who played Aqua from last year hit “oshi no ko”, and played “jhinshi”from this year’s “Apothecary Diaries.

This anime is going to premier on january 2025, Here is the latest trailer of the show