Each story begins with a goal that the protagonist must achieve. For instance, in Demon Slayer, the main character Tanjiro seeks to defeat the antagonist Muzan, who killed his family. Similarly, in the anime “Doctor Stone,” the protagonist Senku aims to rebuild the stone world. However, in FRIEREN, the party consisting of Himmel, Frieren, Heiter, and Eisen has already accomplished their goal by defeating the demon lord and returning to their village in the first chapter. Essentially, the story starts anew from its conclusion.
Credit : Madhouse
Following their victory, they embark on their final adventure, the “meteor shower,” which occurs roughly every 50 years. While this timeframe may seem extensive for humans, it’s relatively brief for an elven girl like Frieren, for whom time is infinite. However, she remains unconcerned, knowing it will arrive in just a few days.
Credit: Madhouse
What type of anime girl Frieren is?
Frieren is portrayed as a kuudere girl, a term in Japanese for a character who appears devoid of emotions. Most kuudere girls in anime are depicted as silent or even as androids, which suits Frieren’s character, given the vast amount of time she has experienced.
However, the show isn’t about learning to feel emotions; Frieren already feels everything deeply. Instead, it emphasizes appreciating what one has and cherishing the passage of time. It poses the question, “When you have an abundance of time, how do you make the most of it?”
Highlights of FRIEREN include:
- Frieren values the adventures she shared with Himmel and the others, despite them being just a small part of her long life. She expresses regret at not spending more time with them, acknowledging that their adventure comprised only a fraction of her existence.
- There’s a poignant moment when Himmel reveals his reason for wanting to erect statues of their party. He wishes to ensure they are remembered and to prevent Frieren from feeling lonely in the future. Through their work, they can achieve a form of immortality beyond their natural lifespans.
- Himmel’s love for Frieren is evident throughout the series, culminating in a proposal to her. In Episode 14, titled “Privilege of the Young,” Sein highlights the importance of expressing one’s feelings. Himmel demonstrates his love by presenting Frieren with a mirrored lotus ring, symbolizing eternal love.
- Romance sub-plots, such as Frieren x Himmel and Fern x Stark, add depth to the story. While Fern and Stark’s relationship may be marked by immaturity and misunderstandings, it is endearing nonetheless. Conversely, the romance between Frieren and Himmel evolves naturally, evoking genuine emotions from the audience.
- The first mage exam arc injects action into the series without detracting from its overall pacing. Despite the shift from a slow-burn narrative to a more action-oriented one, the introduction of new characters and the development of existing ones maintain the story’s momentum. Credit: Madhouse Frieren’s journey isn’t about defeating the demon lord a second time; it’s about revisiting a brief but significant chapter from her past. She faces obstacles head-on, aided by her new party, reaffirming her status as the greatest mage of all time.
Unlike typical fantasy stories, Frieren’s tale resembles a side quest in the grand scheme of fantasy anime. The characters pursue what brings them joy and what must be done.
Ultimately, Frieren teaches viewers to live in the present and appreciate the time they have, cautioning against taking time for granted.
Personally, Frieren has had a profound impact on me, akin to how Vinland Saga influenced others. It encourages reflection on what truly matters in life and serves as a reminder of its importance.