A new “Berserk” anime is set to release in 2025. This adaptation of the “Berserk” manga, written by the renowned author Kentaro Miura.
After the poorly received 2016 adaptation, which was criticized for its bad 3D animation, fans of “Berserk” took it upon themselves to produce a new anime. They have shared updates on their X (formerly Twitter) profile and uploaded a trailer on both X and YouTube.
This adaptation will focus solely on the Black Swordsman arc, which covers volumes 1 to 8 of the manga. Unlike previous versions, this new anime will not use CGI for any character designs and will not feature any censored versions. The cast details are available in the YouTube trailer description.
Previously, the 1997 “Berserk” anime was well-received. It adapted volumes 3 to 13 of the manga, albeit not faithfully. It skipped many chapters and ended on a cliffhanger halfway through chapter 87 of volume 13.
Despite past challenges, there is hope that this new adaptation will meet fans’ expectations. The team behind this project frequently shares their progress on their X handle. They are also working on a new “Attack on Titan” anime called “Attack on Titan: Requiem.
You can see the progress in their X handle
I’ve seen some people saying we used AI in the trailer, hope this little timelapse show some of them that we are doing this frame by frame, there’s a lot of work put into this. @studio_eclypse will keep working on improving the quality of our work #berserk #indie_anime pic.twitter.com/ozrJxB9gYX
— Hagaren_Art (@Hagaren_art) May 21, 2024